Link-Dealer: My Interview With Jay Young

I’ve attended all 4 SMX Advanced Conferences and if someone were to ask me who gave the most memorable presentation that I saw, I would absolutely answer Jay Young.  Google’s stance against paid links was very much a flashpoint of controversy at SMX Advanced 2008 for Jay to get up in front of his peers (w/ Matt Cutts in the room) and forcefully advocated in favor of buying links at a time where it was extremely risky to take such a public stand.  Jay’s name disappeared from my radar until recently where I discovered he was married to one of my social media BFF’s Julie Joyce .  My wife and I passed through Greensboro this summer and hung out on their front porch for a bit and the Jay Young I chatted with that day could not have been more different than my impression of him from his SMX Advanced presentation.  Since Jay isn’t visible online in the same way that Julie is, I thought he’d be a perfect person for an e-interview… 1.

Go here to read the rest:
Link-Dealer: My Interview With Jay Young

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